Department of Administration
The Administrative purpose of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is defined in Article 25.2 (a) of the Statutory Laws of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs oversees “the successful conduct and improvement of local government through supervision and direction of activities of the political sub-divisions of central government”. Specifically, as stipulated in the statutory responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry’s mandate are: to successfully conduct and improve local government through supervision and direction of activities of the political sub-divisions and the central Government; to manage and resolve all tribal matters arising out of tribal conflicts and relationship; to coordinate and implement Government services through the various units of Local Government; overseeing the selection, training and efficient performance of personnel of the local government; overseeing the orderly functioning of tribal government and drafting rules and regulations to effectuate the purpose. The rules and regulations shall include provisions relating to regulating cultural institutions and societies; supervising the elections of Paramount, Clan and General Town Chiefs in collaboration with the Elections Commission; exercising administrative supervision over Poro, Sande and other tribal societies through the Assistant Minister for Culture.
The Department Administration is headed by a Deputy Minister who is principal Deputy to the Minister of Internal Affairs; Upon the absence of the Minister, he serves as Acting Minister of Internal Affairs; He is the head of the Department of Administration which consists of three (3) Bureau:- Administration, Legal Affairs, and Cultural and Custom; He shall review and approve all documents to be sent to the office of the Minister.
The Department is currently headed by Hon. Momolu S. Johnson, who serves as Deputy Minister for Administration.
ASSISTANT MINISTER FOR ADMINISTRATION-In the absence of the Deputy Minister for Administration, the Assistant Minister for Administration shall be the head of the Department of Administration; He/she shall report to the Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Ministry in the absence of the Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she shall have supervisory role over the office of the Comptroller, Internal Auditor, Human Resource, Procurement, Supply and Dispatch; He/she shall lead the preparation and finalization of the Ministry’s Budget and Cash Plan; In direct collaboration with the Division of Human Resource, he/she shall ensure that every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is on payroll; He/she shall advise the Ministry on all financial related issues in collaboration with the Comptroller; He/she shall adequately and sufficiently inform the Deputy Minister for Administration on all financial transaction of the Ministry on a step-by-step basis.
The Department of Administration is comprised of ten sections:
(1) The Bureau of Customs & Culture Affairs– supervise and monitor all traditional culture which include Poro, Sande and other secret societies in Liberia; investigate conflicts that may arise from the Traditional Culture societies and made settlement amongst the citizens; coordinate and monitor the activities of the National Traditional Council and make periodic report to the Minister of Internal Affairs through the Deputy Minister for Administration; Screen, test and qualify all Sande and Poro Zoe and Zoe herbalist for the issuance of a Certificate of clearance and at the same time issue Culture Legal Permits to Sande and Pore Zoes for the establishing of groves/bushes; Prepare and affix the signatures of the Director and the Assistant Minister for Custom and Culture Affairs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon the recommendation from the County Chairman of the National Traditional Council; Make appointments on gratis of Grand and Sande Zoes and Culture officials for every county base on the recommendation made by elders, chiefs and opinion leaders of their respective localities.
These local cultural officials serve as representatives of the Bureau of Custom and Culture Affairs. They make periodic reports to the Bureau for onward transmission to the Deputy Minister for Administration.
(2) The Legal Affairs Section– He/she advises the Minister of Internal Affairs, his Deputies and other officials of the Ministry on any/or all legal matters; He/she shall handle and adjudicate all legal matters coming from the various Counties of the Country; He/she shall review any/or all Appeal Cases originating from offices of the County Superintendents; Upon the approval of the Minister, he/she shall travel to every length and breadth of this Country to investigate any Local Government Ministry authorities and report to the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration with recommendation for his review and action; He/she shall prepare all legal documents of the Ministry such as Lease Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), etc, and review those legal documents originating from other sources and to advise the Minister on the issue; He/she shall conduct on the spot investigation in tribal land cases in the various Counties and submit a report to the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration for his action, if necessary; He/she shall supervise the issuance of Traditional Marriage/Divorce Certificates and approve of same and submit quarterly report to the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she shall handle all other legal matters that may be assigned to his offices by the Minister through the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration and; He/she shall review all claims submitted to the Ministry that regarding Insurance and Social Security benefits, and advise the Minister due to their legal implications.
SUPERINTENDENT APPELLATE COURT -He/she shall assist the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs in conducting administrative investigation, including Traditional Divorce cases to review any/or all administrative cases to him/her by the Assistant Minister and submit a report there-from said investigation; He/she is one of the signatories to the Traditional Marriage Certificate.
REGISTRAR- He/she shall register the aforementioned Certificates for records; He/she, is charge with the responsibility of verifying any/or all Certificates that any embassy within our Borders any have doubt about. His/her position is on par with that of an Assistant Director; He/she shall submit a comprehensive monthly financial report to the Minister of Internal Affairs through the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs and the Deputy Minister for Administration, respectively; He/she shall screen all applicants interested in obtaining Traditional Marriage/Divorce Certificates, interested in obtaining a Traditional Marriage Certificate to enter into traditional marriage; He/she has the legitimate right to recommend that applicants are not eligible to obtain such a Certificate after the screening process based upon legitimate reason.
COMMISSIONER OF TRIBAL APPELLATE COURT- He/she shall review all Tribal appeal cases from the Counts of Tribal Governors, Tribal Chiefs, etc.; He/she shall investigate any/or all administrative cases that may be assigned to him/her by the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs.
MINISTERIAL INVESTIGATORS: He/she shall collaboration with the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs, conduct on the spot administrative investigation in and out of the Central Office, Monrovia and submit a report to t the Assistant Minister for onward transmission to the Minister through the Deputy Minister for Administration; He/she is responsible to review appeal cases from lower administrative Courts.
RELIEVING COMMISSIONER- He/she is responsible to replace any suspended or dismissed County District Commissioner in leeward Counties until government deems it necessary to reinstate or replace a suspended or dismissed commissioner; He/she is to review appeal cases from the lower administrative courts.
CHIEF, LAND ARBITTER- The Land Arbiter shall investigate all land disputes within the fifteen (15) Counties of the Republic and report to the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs; He/she shall perform other duties that may be assigned by the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs which include cases of appeal from the Leeward Counties to the Office of the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs; He/she must be ready and willing to travel out of Monrovia with or without the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs to conduct Ministerial Investigation between and among party litigants; He/she may assist the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs in the preparation of Annual Reports and other Legal Documents of the Bureau; He/she shall conduct legal research for the legal consumption of the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs.
ASST. DIRECTOR/ SENIOR MINISTERIAL INVESTIGATOR- The Assistant Director/Senior Ministerial Investigator is responsible to investigate matters that are Administrative and Traditional/Cultural in nature; He/she investigates matters between individuals employed with the Institution; He/she may perform other administrative tasks as may be assigned by the Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs
(3) Finance Section: The Comptroller coordinates, monitors and supervises the day to day activities of the Finance Division; He/she in collaboration with other Departments heads and County Authority prepares and submit the annual budget of the Ministry to the Department of the Budget; He/she signs vouchers, purchase order and payrolls in accordance with approved National Budget; He/she prepares weekly cash disbursement report to the Minister; He/she shall carry out other ad-hoc assignments as related to his functions.
DEPUTY COMPTROLLER, The Deputy Comptroller prepares all financial documents for the attention of the comptroller; He/she shall act as Comptroller in the absence of the Comptroller; He/she shall perform other financial function as assigned by the Comptroller.
CHIEF ACCOUNTANT, The Chief Accountant shall handle all finance accounts of the Ministry; He/she keeps accurate financial records at all times; He/she works with the Internal Auditor to balance the financial records of the Ministry; He/she shall perform other related functions as assigned by the Comptroller.
(4) Procurement: The Procurement Director plans annual procurement programs for the Ministry of Internal Affairs; He/she shall implement approved procurement activities of the Ministry and shall prepare all bidding documents for approval by the Procurement Committee; He/she is charged with the responsibility to prepare invitations to bids and carry out distributions and publications and make subsequent recommendations to Procurement Committee; He/she shall perform secretarial services to the Procurement Committee; He/she shall administer the implementation of contracts; He/she is responsible to keep and maintain profiles of suppliers, contractors, vendors, and consultants and maintains database of same; The Procurement Director reports directly to the Deputy Minister for Administration except where he/she is out of his/her office or out of the Country; The Procurement Director works under the direct supervision of the Procurement Committee.
(5) Press & Public Affairs: Responsible to cover all important programs involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs; Disseminate information on the Ministry through print and electronic media for public consumption; Prepares speeches and statements for the Minister and other senior staff; Accompany the Minister and other senior staffs on tours to enable him/her give a vivid view of the visit.
(6) Insurance: Coordinates all activities of the Insurance Scheme or contract on behalf of employees of MIA; Coordinates with Insurance Company in case of death and or hospitalization of employees; Processes legal insurance documents.
(7) Social Security: He/she shall coordinates all Social Security activities between the Ministry and the National Social Security and Welfare Cooperation (NASSCORP); He/she processes Social Security ID Cards for both Central Administration and employees in the Leeward Counties; He/she processes pension and other Social Security benefits for all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; He/she may perform other duties as may be assigned by the Human Resource Director.
(8) Human Resource: The Human Resource Director plans and executes the activities of the Division of Human Resource; He/she shall assign and direct works, as instructed by the Deputy and/or Assistant Minister for Administration, to subordinate staff of the Division; He/she shall establish personnel records for all employees at Central and County levels; He/she shall develop or review existing job descriptions and updates where necessary; The Human Resource Director shall plan, coordinate, and implement training programs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; He/she shall develop and recommend administrative procedures for implementation in the Division; He/she shall work with other Ministries/Agencies and National and International Organizations relative to human resource development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; He/she shall monitor and maintain salary structure and ensure Ministry of Internal Affairs payroll keeps within budgetary allotment; He/she maintains records of all employees, Insurance compliance, social security and other benefits; He/she shall perform other functions as may relate to human resource development.
ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR: Assists the Director to ensure the full implementation of the activities of the Division; Verifies and tabulates Personnel records from all departments at Central and Counties/District levels; Works in close collaboration with all Departments so as to ensure the accuracy of their personnel records; Collects Reports and compiles same from all Divisions of the Department of Administration; Interprets MIA rules and regulation to personnel in the management of their offices at Central Administration and in the Leeward Counties in line with GOL employees regulations; Administers the Affairs of the Division in the absence of the Director.
(9) Dispatch: He/she is responsible to receive all mails coming to the Ministry from other entities; receive all mails prepared by the Ministry and dispatch same to intended places or institutions.
(10) Supply: Verifies quantity and quality of supplies as per purchase order; Receives supplies and distributes them accordingly; Responsible to keep supplies in ware house and take stock from time to time; Provides supplies based on requisition on a monthly log at central administration and at county levels.
- Deputy Minister – head of the Department
- Assistant Minister for Administration
- Assistant Minister for Customs & Culture Affairs
- Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs
- Director for Human Resource
- Comptroller
- Director for Procurement
- Director for Press and Public Affairs
- Director for Insurance
- Social Security Coordinator
- Director for Supply
- Director for Dispatch
The department current manpower strength stands at 138.