ArcelorMital-Liberia introduces Vocational and Technical Education for Liberian students.

Sanniquellie, Nimba County, Aug. 27, 2018: ArcelorMital-Liberia introduces Vocational and Technical Education for Liberian students.

The institution told Internal Affairs Minister Varney A. Sirleaf that beneficiaries are enrolled regardless of County of residence.

This means you don't have come from the counties operation namely Nimba, Bong and Grand Bassa. Already, 47 students are enrolled.

Minister Sirleaf was taken on a guarded tour during his visit to Yekepa, Yahmehn Administrative District, Nimba County on Monday, August 27,2018.

 Basic passing marks high school mathematics and science constitute the requirements. No school fees, free accommodation, three meals daily and US $40.00 every week.

Vocational education with International standards for three years makes you a professionally skilled person