Board wants Disaster Management Agency Audited

Monrovia, October 2, 2019:The Board of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has recommended that the General Auditing Commission (GAC) conduct both financial and system audits of the Agency.

At the close of a meeting held on Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the Board resolved that its recommendation is intended to establish whether allegations of financial and administrative malpractices at the Agency are true or not.

According to a release, members of the Board have met twice with the Executive Director of the Disaster Management Agency at which time they examined documentary evidence based on the allegations of irregularities which were reported recently. However, the Board members believe that GAC’s expertise is required as the supreme auditing body.

Recently, Sinoe County Senator and Senate Committee on Autonomous Agencies Honorable Milton Teahjay alarmed of wrong doings at the NDMA. Senate Teahjay said his allegation was based on media reports.

Meanwhile, the Board has requested the Disaster Management Agency to cooperate with the auditors.

The NDMA Board is headed by internal Affairs Minister Honorable Varney A. Sirleaf.

Institutional members of the Board represented at Wednesday’s meeting are the Ministries of Finance and Development Planning, Mines and Energy, National Defense and Agriculture. Others are Environmental Protection Agency, Liberia Maritime Authority and the UNDP.