General Circular No. 12: Minister Nelson’s Statement on Traditional Practices

MONROVIA -- TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2013:    It has been observed that certain individuals in some localities of the country are in the habit of subjecting other people to certain cultural practices and rituals without consent. 


All certificates and licenses issued to traditional healers, herbalists or “witch doctors” prior to this announcement are no longer valid.  Any person holding a certificate or license as a traditional healer, herbalist, or “witch doctor” is hereby instructed to report to the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for re-validation.


A person who uses any form of force or intimidation to compel another person to yield to, or to be initiated into, any tribal ritual or traditional practice is taking a risk and could be arrested, charged and prosecuted for violation of civil and human rights in Liberia.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs which has responsibility to oversee and guide traditional activities in Liberia hereby announces that, henceforth, no one is to compel, subject, or induct any other person into any cultural practice or ritual without the consent of the person being inducted or initiated.


Henceforth, the initiation or induction of any person (adult or child) into a cultural practice or a traditional ritual is also prohibited without supervision of individuals duly approved by the National Traditional Council of Liberia and a license duly issued under the signature of the Minister of Internal Affairs.