Internal Affairs Commences Nation-wide Personnel Re-documentation Exercise, Beginning with Montserrado
In an effort to modernize its workforce, the Ministry of Internal Affairs over the weekend began the re-documentation exercise of its personnel in four counties beginning with Montserrado County.
The re-documentation exercise which is part of the Ministry’s 150 days deliverables followed the completion of the process at the central office in Monrovia.
A statement says the process is aimed at rationalizing the payroll, distinguish between employees and non-employed staff and plan for capacity building.
The team headed by Assistant Minister for Administration, Momolu Johnson started the exercise in Montserrado and is expected to visit Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties in the first phase.
When completed, the excise will ensure establishment of a merit-based personnel management system and will enable account for all its employees.
The system will also provide necessary information on personnel qualification, need for capacity building and maximize productivity.
The computerized system is however, in no way intended to witch-hunt any one, but to rationalize the payroll system which will ensure just compensation and benefits to employees.
In Montserrado, the team visited Todee and Careysburg Districts is expected to visit Bensenville Township other areas beginning Monday.
The exercise, covering all personnel including members of the National Traditional Council will run until June 22, 2012 covering Central Office, Rural Montserrado, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties in the first phase of the nationwide initiative.