Internal Affairs Ministry begins Boundary Dispute Resolution Talks with RiverCess and Sinoe

Monrovia-Liberia: Minister of Internal Affairs Hon. Varney A. Sirleaf has initiated discussions with stakeholders from Sinoe and Rivercess counties for the peaceful settlement of a boundary dispute between the two counties.

According to a release, the Minister met some Members of the legislative caucuses of both counties, the superintendents, a delegation from the Liberia Land Authority, the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services, and the Carter Center at his office on Monday in Monrovia.

Minister Sirleaf highlighted the shifting of old counties boundaries because of concessions rights or due to the discovery of minerals deposits as major causes of boundaries disputes in the country.

Hon. Byron Zahnway, representative of district #2 in Rivercess county call on all to identify and return to the older boundaries that separated the counties.
He encouraged all to be committed to a peaceful settlement in ensuring all citizens lives peacefully and cohesively.

For his part, the lone Senator of Sinoe County, Sen. Milton Teahjay said he and his people were committed to following the old boundaries points.
He said, regardless of where the boundary is established, no citizen should be asked to leave where they have been residing over the years because their homes now falls in another county.

Minister Sirleaf in closing asked all parties to be present in the next meeting and urged the LISGIS to provide any map of the area that could be useful in settling the dispute between the two counties.