Internal Affairs Ministry warns against forceful initiation into Traditional and Cultural Societies and rituals. Read full text of MIA Press Statement

Internal Affairs Ministry warns against forceful initiation into Traditional and Cultural Societies and rituals. Read full text of MIA Press Statement


July 16, 2013




The attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been drawn to reports of occurrences of physical attacks and forceful initiations of people into cultural or traditional practices.


The incidents,especially committed in the Sande Society, have been reported in several counties.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs reminds all operators of traditional societies, both males and females, of General Circular No. 12, issued in January, this year.


Count # 3of the Circular prohibits the use of any tactic, force, intimidate or compel any person to yield to ritual or traditional practices without his/her consent, or the consent of parents.


The Ministry therefore reminds all traditional leaders, males and females, that the Circular provides that violation of Count # 3 or any attempt by traditional leaders to infringe onthe human and civil rights of any citizen orforeign resident is to be punished according to provisions of the traditional and civil laws of Liberia.



 Charles D. F. Jrateh

             Director, Education/Information Services Bureau