At long last, 80 year old Boundary dispute is settled in Lofa County

Voinjama, Lofa County:Many recalled that the boundary conflict started some 80 years ago. It took a long period to achieve this historic gain towards peace. Even people lost their lives in defense of their side of the border and claims and counter claims separated families of the Mandingos and Lormas who sometimes live together as brothers and sisters.

Today, in this September 2020, the boundary is agreed upon, surveyed, cornerstones planted, sign board erected, MOU signed. Lofa County goes into celebration as Selega in Voinjama District and Samodu in Quardu-Gboni District is finally settle.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs through Lofa County Administration headed by Superintendent William Tamba Kamba Sr, in collaboration with the Liberia Land Authority and Liberia Peace Building Office have finally concluded the Land Disputes and Boundary Harmonization between Seleca and Sarmodu towns in Lofa County with the planting of symbols and cornerstone.

Representatives from both towns have all agreed on the Daziza creek which is a natural feature as official boundary between the two towns of Voinjama and Quardu-Gboni District..

Mr. Janga Ballot who represented the people of Sarmodu town and Mr. Joseph Karbar of Seleca town thanked all key actors including the County Administration, the Mitigating Local Disputes in Liberia (MLDL), the Liberia Peace Building Office (PBO), the office of the Peace Ambassador of Liberia, the Liberia Land Authority (LLA), the Commissioners of Voinjama and Quardu-Gboni Districts, and citizens of Seleca and Sarmodu towns for peacefully resolving the over 80yrs land dispute that once existed between them.

The Chairman of the Liberia Land Authority Attorney Adam Manobah expressed gratitude for the level of resilience from all parties involved during the final four (4) days journey that brought that have to an end the over 80yrs conflict between the two towns.

For his part, the Lofa County Superintendent Hon. William Tamba Kamba Sr, lauded the citizens of Seleca and Sarmodu towns for accepting the peace and the planting of the symbols and cornerstone at the Daziza creek and called on them to see each other as one family in order to live together in peace and harmony.

Finally, the resolution was signed by the chiefs and elders along with the youths, and women of Seleca and Sarmodu towns respectively.

The resolution was witnessed by the Commissioner of Voinjama District Hon. Albert Selee, Quardu-Gboni District Commissioner Hon. Selene V. Kamara, Mr. Christopher Fayiah of the Liberia Peace Building Office (PBO) and the Commissioner General of the Liberia Land Authority (LLA).

The activity was sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Peace for one peace for all

Writes: Johnson Ndupellar, our Lofa County Information Officer