MIA Conducts 3-day Workshop on Risks Assessment/Identification in Margibi County
The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for Administration, Mr. Varney Sirleaf, on Monday November 2, 2013, opened a three day partnership workshop on Risks Assessment/ Identification in Kakata, Margibi County.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Deputy Minister said the training was necessary to ensure viable and disaster management. He said in order to raise the NDRC to an appreciable level; the government should prioritize building the capacity of employees and institutions to help mitigate risks of disaster in the country.
Minister Varney said the Minister of Internal Affairs stands ready to promote the passage of the NDRC draft policy into Law.
Giving the overview of the workshop, MIA's Deputy Minister for Operation, Ranney B. Jackson told the participants that the workshop was organized by the Ministry to educate the citizens of Margibi on Disaster Risks Management cycles, Emergency Preparedness Plan and Early Warning System. He admonished citizens to know their roles and responsibilities in identifying hazardous and vulnerable areas in their respective communities to avoid disaster situation. Concluding, Deputy Minister Jackson said Disaster Risks Management is a serious challenge and should be treated as such to ensure safety throughout the country.
Also making remarks at the workshop, UNDP representative Mr. Robert Dorliea, who served also as facilitator said community dwellers should always work together to prevent disaster. They should take initiatives and strategies that will promote disaster prevention in families, in communities, which will lead to living in a safe environment.
Participants and facilitators of the workshop came from line Ministries, UNDP, WFP, UNMIL and Civil Society Organizations.
The workshop was organized by the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Internal Affairs – NDRC in Collaboration with the WFP, and UNMIL, funded by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP).