MIA conducts County dialogues for coexistence and peace
Monrovia, May 14, 2019:The Ministry of Internal Affairs, through the Liberia Peacebuilding Office, has completed the first round of series of leadership dialogues for county administrations in three cities namely; Sanniquellie in Nimba, Buchanan in Grand Bassa and Robertsport in Grand Cape Mount Counties, respectively.
The use of continuous dialogue forms part of a list of recommendations identified by a nationwide survey called Social Cohesion & Reconciliation Index (SCORE) Liberia which was conducted in 2016 and 2018.
A press release from the Ministry of Internal Affairs says the dialogues are meant to foster coexistence and civic trust,with a particular aim of promoting peaceful coexistence for sustainable peace in the Country.
The dialogues are sponsored by the United Nations Development Program, UNDP. The dialogues brought together a total of over 100 participants.
County Superintendents and senior members of the administrations, Statutory District Superintendents, Administration District Commissioners, Paramount Chiefs, county land administrators, women leaders and heads of persons living disabilities, among others formed part of the events.
Mr. Edward K. Mulbah, Executive Director of the Liberia Peacebuilding Office said the dialogues will be carried out in all 15 Counties.
During the dialogues a team from the Ministry made separate presentations on the outcomes of the SCORE survey, the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, the Local Government Act and the Criminal Conveyance of Land.
Meanwhile, local government practitioners of the three counties have identified the local Government Law as the best instrument to transform governance system in Liberia.
The Local Government Law, also known as the Local Government Act (LGA) among other things, provides for equal opportunity for all of its citizens to engage in the governance of the state through the devolution of certain administrative, fiscal and political powers and institutions from the national government to local governments.
The participants are at the same time calling on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to launch a massive nationwide awareness campaign on the LGA so as to make local government officers to clearly understand their roles and responsibilities.