MIA, MOA sign MOU to revitalize Communal Farming in Liberia

The MOU is intended for technical cooperation in revitalizing Communal Farming System for increased food production and Job Creation for Hunger and Poverty alleviation in Liberia.

Minister of Internal Affairs, Honorable Varney A. Sirleaf signed for his Ministry, while Agriculture Minister Dr. Magana S. Flomo signed for the Ministry of the Agriculture.

Below is the full details of the MOU:


(1) Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Government of the Republic of Liberia, Executive Mansion Grounds, Capitol Hill, Monrovia Liberia; and

(2) Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of the Government of the Republic of Liberia, Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia

MIA and MOA are individually referred to as “Party”, and collectively as the “Parties”, and shall include respectively their permitted assigns or successors and successors in interest.
1.1 Hunger is still prevalent in Liberia, a larger number of Liberians do not get adequate and balanced diets daily that support and protect their immune systems from being susceptible to illnesses and diseases, the resulting consequences sometimes pose heavy burden on the health sector in Liberia.

1.2 To reduce hunger and poverty and create job opportunities for the economic empowerment of especially the rural population, it is essential that Liberians prioritize agriculture; increase the production, quality and consumption profitability of Rice, Maize, Cassava and Vegetables

1.3 Communal Farming has proven as the most effective and efficient way by which residents of our rural communities can bind their efforts into concerted action to cultivate these food crops for self-reliant and economic empowerment. Rice, Maize, Cassava, and Vegetables are crops of vital importance to the diet of Liberians as they are consumed daily by each Liberian household. They are sources of households’ income, sources for rural dwellers and community livelihoods due to high market potentials and production of these crops which are traditional habits of especially the rural people.

1.4 Rice represents 33% of Liberians food consumption accounting for about 50% of adult caloric intake with an annual per capital consumption estimated at 133kg. It is widely grown almost in every region in Liberia due to reliable and favorable climatic condition.

1.5 Maize or corn is another major food that is consumed by Liberians, is growing mainly on low land in every part of Liberia and cultivated twice a year. It is also for animals feeds.

1.6 Cassava represents the second staple food of Liberians, a versatile and multipurpose crops which can be used in many forms; it can be eaten raw, boiled or roasted, pounded into GB or dumboy, etc, and its values can also be utilized in the flour industry, animal feeds industry, food preservation and medical.

1.7 Vegetables are one of Liberia’s profitable crops. Its side-dish accompanies nearly every Liberian dish; unfortunately, production levels are very low and quality remains substandard. Vegetables provide the most important source of the micronutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals essential for a balanced and healthy diet. They are also a major source of cash income for smallholder farmers. However, in Liberia, field experience has shown that 55% of production is lost due to inappropriate postharvest management. Problems also arise from unsafe vegetable production practices such as the misuse of pesticides, use of grey water in production and in vegetable processing, and ineffective and unhygienic storage of vegetables that may encourage bacterial contamination

1.8 These challenges are the reasons why MIA and MOA intend to collaborate in the area of Communal Farming through technical and material supports, to get citizens involved in the cultivation, consumption, sale and preservation of these food crops.

2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to determine the general framework of the collaboration/cooperation between MIA and MOA and

2.2 Specifically, it aims to encourage and promote the establishment of mutually beneficial relations between MIA and MOA for effective engagement of communities and people for sustained and competitive agricultural value chains development (production of nutrient rich, maize, vegetable crops and livestock, processing, storage, transportation, marketing and distribution, etc.), through Communal Farming Development Projects’.


3.1 Cooperation between MIA and MOA covers agricultural activities involving joint motivation and support for communities and people to engage in profitable communal farming development commercial agricultural enterprises, design of programs/projects, projects implementation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation, appraisal and impact assessments of programs and projects, reporting.

3.2 The main objective is to enhance capacities in the 15 Counties through communal farming development by:
 Strengthening the counties for sustainable improvement of Agricultural areas of competitive advantage to each county (potential and interest) demonstrated by years of engagement for livelihood;
 Support to counties for the rehabilitation/reconstruction of appropriate production, processing, storage, transport, marketing facilities;
 Provision of improved/modern production, processing, storage, transport technologies;
 Capacity building of community people to do “Farming as a Business”, transforming subsistence farming into commercial farming - adoption and upscale of improved technologies;
 Management and business skills development support to community people for effective management of communal farming operations;
 Support for communities to engage in agricultural activities that contribute to reduced rural poverty and malnutrition;
 Promotion and support for Joint project implementation involving planning, coordination, supervision, monitoring and evaluation, appraisal, impact assessment and reporting;


4.1 The MIA
As part of this cooperation agreement the MIA shall:
 Support the establishment of a MIA/MOA Agriculture Technical Team (ATT) for strengthened collaboration/cooperation
 Provide a working space at the MIA for the ATT
 Support and participate in the design of strategies involving potential communal agricultural intervention programs, projects and other related agricultural activities at community level
 Ensure the availability of Problem-Free land for projects implementation/activities

 Liaise with the MOA to establish a system that promotes sustained collaboration/cooperation between MIA & MOA county Technicians
 Lead in settling disputes between communities and projects that occur as a result of project activities
 Ensure the availability of MIA county/district facilities and assets to the Joint MIA/MOA ATT for implementation of intervention programs/projects
 Support and participate in the design of program/project proposals
 In collaboration with the MOA seek sponsorship for the designed program/project proposals
 In collaboration with the MOA set up a Special Management Unit (SMU) for the implementation of each approved and sponsored project
 Support and participate in Joint MIA/MOA Monitoring & Evaluation exercises of all projects
 Promote Joint MIA/MOA actions for mitigating problems encountered during project implementation
 Support and participate in the Joint MIA/MOA quarterly review of the performance of projects and make presentation to the Ministers of the two Ministries
 Participate in Joint MIA/MOA review of quarterly and end-of-project reports and finalize for submission to the Ministers

4.2 The MOA
As part of this cooperation agreement the MOA shall:
 Support the establishment of a MIA/MOA Agriculture Technical Team (ATT) for strengthened collaboration/cooperation
 Assist the MIA to furnish and equip working space at the MIA for the ATT
 Support and participate in the design of strategies involving potential communal agricultural intervention programs, projects and other related agricultural activities at community level
 In collaboration with the CDA and MIA, organize communal farming Associations and train Leadership in organizational /association management
 Cooperate with the MIA to establish a system that promotes sustained collaboration/cooperation between MIA & MOA county Technicians
 Assist MIA in settling all disputes between communities and projects occurring as a result of project activities
 Provide adequate and timely Extension and Technical Advisory Services to the projects
 Provide crops and livestock protection services and advise on preventive measures
 Ensure the availability of MOA county/district facilities and assets to the Joint MIA/MOA ATT for implementation of intervention programs/projects
 Support and participate in the design of program/project proposals
 In collaboration with the MIA seek sponsorship for the designed program/project proposals
 Provide technical specs and support the procurement and availability of appropriate production and processing equipment/machines (tractors, power tillers, harvesters, threshers, winnowers, mills, storage, etc.)
 Ensure the procurement and availability of all necessary production inputs (seeds, seedling, stem/vines, breeding stock, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,)
 Provide assistance in developing land for rice, maize and vegetable production
 Provide technical backstopping
 In collaboration with the MIA set up a Special Management Unit (SMU) for the implementation of each approved and sponsored project
 Support and participate in Joint MIA/MOA Monitoring & Evaluation exercises of all projects
 Promote Joint MIA/MOA actions for mitigating problems encountered during project implementation
 Support and participate in the Joint MIA/MOA quarterly review of the performance of projects and make presentation to the Ministers of the two Ministries
 Participate in Joint MIA/MOA review of quarterly and end-of-project reports and finalize for submission to the Ministers


5.1 This MOU is a standing Agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture subject to amendments. It promotes present collaboration/cooperation on implementation of the Communal Farming Development Project and supports future collaboration/cooperation in advancing Agricultural Development initiatives of communities under the Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development.
5.2 Notwithstanding, in the event that it becomes absolutely necessary for a Party to terminate the Agreement, the concerned Party shall provide at least three (3) months written notice to the other Party. The three-month notice period shall be used to discuss and reach a decision on final termination or dissolution of the MOU.

AGREED by the Parties through their authorized signatories in two (2) original copies:

For and on behalf of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) For and on behalf of the
Ministry of Agriculture

Hon. Varney A. Sirleaf

Hon. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr.


1. Technical Capacity and Material Support; farming implements, seeding and fertilizers.
2. Capacity Building and Training on rice, cassava and Vegetable Research and Production.
3. Construction of storage facilities for storage and preservation of rice, cassava and vegetables.