MIA strengthens coordination at county level against Covid-19

On Thursday, April 30th, Deputy Minister for Research and Development Planning Honorable Olayee S. Collins paid an assessment visit to Bo-Waterside, in Grand Cape Mount County.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs is pillar lead on Community Engagement/Governance of the National Response on Covid-19.
Honorable Collins was designated by Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf to coordinate activities of the pillar for the Ministry in close contact with the Ministry of Health and other partners. Honorable Collins had go to the border community to ascertain the level of preparedness and relationships among practitioners of health and security agencies and local government.
The visit established a perfect and cordial relationship among all actors including the community. Also, there is need for community engagement for awareness and provision of needed sanitary materials like buckets.
The other member of the team was D. Emmanuel Wheinyue, Technical Focal Person/Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Supervisor of the Community Engagement Pillar