MIA-US Based Krao Association Sign MOU On Web Library

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the US-based KRAO Association in the Americas for the creation of an ON-LINE LIBRARY for Liberia.

The memorandum is the result of Minister Blamoh Nelson’s appeal to the Association last week for assistance through its visiting delegation from the United States

According to the memorandum, the Krao Association has will provide technical assistance in development and management of an MIA website for public information on the Ministry’s policies, programs and activities.

The Association will also provide training opportunities for the Ministry’s technicians responsible for operation and management of the website.
Signing for the Ministry Wednesday, April 4, Internal Affairs Minister Blamoh Nelson thanked the group for what he called their humanitarian and patriotic contribution to Liberia, and expressed hope that other Liberian groups and individuals having the capacity will emulate the laudable example.

For his part, the leader of the three-member delegation, Dr. Jlator N. Juwele, who signed for his Association assured Minister Nelson, and the Liberian people that the Krao Association will do everything possible to honor the terms of the MOU.
He said the agreement signifies an expression of their love and concern for their Country, Liberia.

The other members of the visiting delegation were, Messers Emmanuel S. Wettee, Conference Chairman of the association, and K. Advertus Karpeh, Chief of Protocol.