MIA’s On-Line Library to Be Created Soon

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in collaboration with the Krao Association in the Americas is expected to create an On-line Library shortly.

The Krao Association is an organization of Liberians from South-Eastern Liberia residing in the United States and other parts.

When established, the On-line Library will comprise a directory of Liberia’s localities and their features which will serve as resource data base intended to facilitate an improved service delivery system.

The decision was reached Friday, when a three-member delegation of the Krao Association, headed by its Conference Chairman, Mr. Emmanuel S. Wettee, paid a courtesy call on Minister Blamoh Nelson at his Capitol Hill Office in Monrovia.

Mr. Wettee explained that his delegation was in the country on fact-finding mission, to explore areas of interest and needs in which the association can make significant contribution towards national development.

He outlined a broad range of skills and areas of specialization of the association’s members and offered to assist Minister Nelson wherever possible in his endeavors to promote Liberia’s development agenda.

The team leader then presented a name-plaque to the Minister on behalf of the Association as a mark of their appreciation for what he referred to as Mr. Nelson’s numerous contributions towards the general wellbeing of his people and Country.

Responding, Minister Nelson thanked members of the Krao Association in the Americas for their patriotism in offering selfless contributions of their skills and resources towards nation building.

The Internal Affairs Boss used the occasion to explain the National Decentralization Policy which is under supervision of his Ministry for implementation, beginning with the first stage of transferring services to Local Administration.

Minister Nelson said a key component of the Ministry’s 150-days deliverable is to produce a national directory of localities and their specific features which will allow systematic delivery of social services.

Meanwhile, a memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry and the Association will be signed shortly for commencement of the On-line Library Project.