Ministry of Internal Affairs, Carter Center Conduct Capacity Building for Local Officials

Buchanan Grand Bassa County – Several sub-national staffs and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has begun a two-day training in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

The training which is organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in collaboration with the Carter Center has brought together employees including Township, Administrative District, and Relieving Commissioners from Grand Bassa, Montserrado, and Margibi Counties. 

According to a release, the training is expected to cover the overview of Decentralization, the Roles and Responsibilities of Traditional Chiefs in Local Government Administration, Understanding of the Local Government Act. The participants will also receive training in the effect of trials by Ordeal, competencies for improving Local Governance, the Criminal Justice System and the Land Right Act of Liberia, among others. 

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the training,  Assistant Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Honorable Ruth Sawmadal noted that the training which is in line with the Government Pro poor agenda pillars 2 “power to the people” will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of governance in the various counties.

She feared if Commissioners’ capacities are not built, there will be overlapping of functions and responsibilities in the implementation of the Local Government Act and could lead to underperformance. 

Assistant Minister Sawmadal said the training has been done in other counties and will continue to the rest of the counties.

She, on behalf of Internal Affairs Minister, Honorable Varney A. Sirleaf,  thanked the Carter Center for always supporting the Ministry in achieving it’s goals, especially in the area of capacity building for local officials. 

Speaking earlier, Hon. Solomon Gargba, County Inspector of Grand Bassa County who spoke on behalf of Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh, expressed his delight for the selection of Buchanan City for the training.  He said the training will help build the capacities of commissioners in the proper execution of their duties. “the Local Government Act is new and needs more explanations to chiefs Commissioners and other local government officials before its implementation begins” he said. 

Also speaking Cllr. Robert N. Gbarbea, Senior Legal  Associate at the Carter Center said the Carter Center as a long-standing partner to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was glad to have collaborated with the Ministry in training more chiefs in their respective functions and helping keep Liberia peaceful and safe. He said the Carter Center will continue to support the Liberian Government through its various programs. Funding for the exercise is provided through the Carter Center’s Rule of Law Program which is supported by Sweden and USAID, the release concluded.