President Sirleaf approves audit of Counties
In an effort to promote accountability, transparency, and fiscal integrity, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has approved the audit of ten counties.
Commissioning of the audit followed a recommendation from Internal Affairs Minister Morris M. Dukuly for the counties to be audited.
The Minister has requested the General Auditing Commission to begin the exercise, and has accordingly instructed the Country Superintendents concerned to fully cooperate with the GAC.
The counties are: Sinoe, Margibi, Bong, River Gee, RiverCess, Montserrado and Nimba.
Other counties include the recent hosts of the July 26 Independence Day celebrations, namely: Bomi, Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount.
The GAC will conduct comprehensive physical, asset, and financial audits of the counties from the period commencing January 16, 2012,up to and including July 31, 2013.
The ten counties will constitute phase one of the audit, while the remaining five will be audited in phase two.
The exercise is intended to determine whether County Superintendents and other local government officials are adhering to government’s policy on transparency, accountability, integrity and the laws governing public financial management practices.
The audit will also focus on the administration and management of County and Social Development funds.