President Weah appoints Internal Affairs Ministry as chair of cabinet Subcommittee on Peace Building and Reconciliation.
Monrovia, September 13, 2019: Barely a week following the National Economic Dialogue (NED), His Excellency President George Manneh Weah has constituted several cabinet subcommittees including a Subcommittee on Peace Building and Reconciliation.
The Liberian leader has selected the Ministry of Internal Affairs as chair on the subcommittee on Peace Building and reconciliation.
The committee is mandated to act as expeditiously and appropriately as possible on the recommendations.
According to the Executive Mansion, Ministry of Justice will serve as Co-chair. The Ministries of Education, Commerce, Agriculture, Mines & Energy, and National Defense are members. Others are Ministries of Youth and Sports, Labor, State for Presidential Affairs, as well as Information, Culture & Tourism.
The Cabinet Sub-committee is mandated to link the NED Resolutions to the Government’s flagship development agenda, Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).
Meanwhile, President Weah requests the Subcommittees to meet every Tuesday and report to the full Cabinet on monthly basis.