Regional States end two-day discussion on conflict prevention and mediation:

Internal Affairs Minister, Honorable Morris M. Dukuly, has returned home from Accra, Ghana, where he represented Liberia at a two-day consultation meeting of West African States.


The meeting, held September 9 and 10, 2013, under the auspices of the UNDP, in collaboration with the African Union Commission, ECOWAS and the Government of Ghana, discussed strengthening the linkages between national, regional and continental efforts in conflict prevention and mediation.


In both plenary and break-out sessions, participants focused on elaboration of a regional action plan for establishing and operationalizing national infrastructures for peace, including national early warning and response systems.


The Accra consultation is a follow-up to the June 24, 25, 2013 conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which brought together the African Union Commission, the Regional Economic Communities and the UNDP, on enhancing capacities for conflict prevention and mediation.



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Charles D. F. Jrateh

Director, Education & Information Services