For Strong Efforts to Decentralize Government, Minister Nelson Receives Media Awards
Two media institutions, the Liberty Watch News Paper, and the Independent Journalists Network of Liberia, recently honored Internal Affairs Minister Blamoh Nelson as Minister of the Year, 2012.
At separate occasions, the institutions said the honor was due to Minister Nelson’s efforts aimed at decentralizing government.
Presenting a certificate of honor on January 24, 2013, Mr. Sam Giegieh, Managing Director of the Liberty Watch Newspaper, said Hon. Nelson had merited the honor for his many achievements and contributions to national development, which can be traced many years back.
At a second ceremony the following day, the Board Chairman of the Independent Journalists Network of Liberia, Mr. Emmanuel Gonquoi, listed several notable undertakings of Mr. Nelson’s which he said won him the vetting process from amongst manyfor the honor.
Mr. Gonguoi listed: 1. Creation of the Emergency Life Food Program – SELF, in 1990; 2. Immense contribution to the work of the Liberian Senate during his tenure 2006-2011; 3. Elevation of the status and role of Traditional Leaders; and 4. Actualization of the Decentralization process in Liberia, just to name a few.
Accepting a certificate on both occasions, the Internal Affairs Boss thanked the two media institutions for the honor and pointed out that he actually considers those things that he does in public service as his obligation to society, not personal achievements.
The Internal Affairs Minister said credit for such things also belonged to all those who actually did the work while he only served as the instrument.
Minister Nelson said he was particularly pleased that the sacrifices of Liberia’s progressives had born the fruits which characterize the freedom and improvements of the new Liberia today.
He praised President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her vision and wisdom to guide the country in the winds of positive change.
The Minister disclosed that a new breed of progressives was developing and learning from mistakes of the past to set a new agenda that would dictate continuous change in the quest for freedom and true democracy in Liberia.
Also honored with Minister Nelson by the Independent Journalists Network, was Mr. Amos Tweh, Assistant Internal Affairs for Urban Affairs, as Assist Minister of the year, for his achievements of steadfastness and able representation of the young generation in government.