Traditional Leaders of Liberia want democratic election Process

Traditional leaders of Lofa County have petitioned government to conduct an election for members of the National Council of Chiefs and Elders of Liberia.


The petition;addressed to Internal Affairs Ministry authorities, is signed by Paramount Chiefs, Zoes and Elders representingthe seven Districts of Lofa.


The traditional leaders expressed dismay over what they called the prolonged delay by government to conduct election for national and local leaders of the Traditional Council since 2006, whose elected officers were to serve a two-year term.


According to the petition, the traditional leaders called on government to conduct the election in the shortest possible time to conform to the principles of democracy.


Meanwhile, the Paramount Chiefs Council of Bong County has written Internal Affairs Minister Morris Dukuly, also requesting the holding of election for the Traditional Council in line with the Act creating the National council of Chiefs and Elders of Liberia, approved and published in August 2012.


The communication signed by Paramount Chiefs of the 13 chiefdoms of Bong County, dated September 2, 2013, the chiefs appealed for election because asecond that was slated for 2008, was not held.



Image removed.Signed:

                     Charles D. F. Jrateh

     Director, Education & Information Services