UNDP Donates to Internal Affairs, presents 31 Lap-top Computers and Internet Equipment to 15-Counties

The United Nations Development Program, UNDP, on Monday, donated thirty-one pieces of Dell Lap-top Computers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Lap-tops donated through the UNDP’s County Support Team (CST) are meant for use by Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents for Development of the fifteen counties.

The donation includes one V-SAT and Network equipment for internet connectivity to be installed with cost of full annual subscription in Grand Kru County.

Making the donation Monday, UNDP Country Resident Representative Dominic Sam said the donation is furtherance of support to the Ministry through County Support Team (CST) and the Liberia Decentralization and Local Development (LDLD), mainly focusing on capacity development of local administration and Decentralization.

“ This collaboration and support has improved the context in which national and sub-national administration functions-improved performance and delivery of essential services, state authorities and administration restored, functional County and district administrative buildings where county and line Ministry activities are pushed forward and coordinated as well improved County information management”. Mr. Sam noted.

The UNDP Country Resident Representative put the value of the equipment including one-year subscription of the Internet facility to about sixty-seven thousand United States Dollars.

The V-SAT installation in Grand Kru County brings to four, the number of counties connected to internet services through the UNDP donation.

Receiving the donation on behalf of Internal Affairs Minister Blamoh Nelson, Deputy Minister for Administration Varney A. Sirleaf, lauded the UNDP for the gesture, describing it as enormous.

Hon. Sirleaf recounted the numerous support of the UNDP to the Ministry’s activities through the CST and LDLD Programs amongst others.

He said the donation of the Lap-tops, two to each county, will enhance the work of the local County administrations.
The Deputy Internal Affairs Boss noted that the V-SAT Internet equipment to Grand Kru will also ease the problem of access to budget and timely reporting using the internet.