“You Are The Bedrock For Decentralization Of Governance In The Country”, UN Deputy SRSG Tells Traditional Leaders

The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Sectary General to Liberia, Mr Mustafa Soumari, has described traditional leaders as the bedrock for the decentralization of governance in the country.

He maintained that the source of power for traditional leaders is clearly defined as they are leaders and guide of their people.

Mr. Soumari named five keys areas in which traditional leaders should concentrate their efforts for success of the decentralization process.
UN Deputy SRSG said, “Human and Financial Resources; Institutional Capacity building; Relationship with Central Government; Leadership performance and Reconciliation among others; are concentration points for Chiefs and Traditional Leaders of Liberia.

Mr. Soumari however said, there will be many challenges ahead in implementation of these five steps that chiefs and elders must overcome in order to succeed.

He named the need for training to gain knowledge and skills in their abilities to interact with technicians and heads of institutions and abilities to engage development partners for needed assistance.

He further mentioned the set-up and management of a capable administrative structure and equitable distribution of resources as some challenges that will be faced by traditional leaders.

In his closing statement, Mr. Soumari wished the traditional leaders well and thanked Internal Affairs Minister Blamoh Nelson for doing him the honor of addressing Liberia’s highest forum of traditional leadership.