Youth, Women Issues to dominate Second Round JCCEM in La Cote d’Ivoire soon
Chiefs and Elders of Liberia and La Cote d’Ivoire are gearing up for a second round of peace and reconciliation meeting following the successful conclusion of the just ended Joint Council of Chief and Elders Meeting (JCCEM) in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County.
This second all-important meeting scheduled for a soon to be disclosed Ivorian border town with Liberia, will focus and x-rayed, the Joint Communique signed by the two sides in Zwedru.
Both the Liberian and La Cote d’Ivoire governments, eager for a lasting peace amongst its citizens living along the border, have deliberately played a rather low key role, allowing the process to be entirely ‘citizen driven.’
What this means, according to the Internal Affairs Ministry, which is heading this all-important effort for the Government of Liberia, “We are making a conscious effort to remain in the shadows, so to speak, and let citizens of both countries take charge of their own destinies, but will only provide guidance and support,” Internal Affairs Morris M. Dukuly remarked.
His youthful Deputy Minister of Urban Affairs, Amos Tweh told a national radio audience recently that the upcoming gathering in La Cote d’Ivoire will “chew” extensively on youths and women empowerment issues with the ultimate aim of thoroughly dissecting and formulating strategies for implementation in both countries.
The first meeting amongst the Joint Chiefs and Elders in Zwedru ended on a successful high note with both Presidents Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and President Alassane Ouattara of Cote d’Ivoire gracing the occasion where a Joint Communique was signed. -Joe Roberts