Gov't Suspends Poro, Sande Activities Until…

The Ministry of Internal Affairs last week suspended operations of all Poro and Sandeactivities in the country for a period of 90 days.


In a Memorandum of Understanding signed bymembers of the Council of Zoes and Elders and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during this period, the Council and the Internal Affairs will review the  licenses of all Poro and Sande Groves.


The ministry emphasized that the effectiveness of this suspension will take effect as of the 30th of June 2014 and that violators until its review is completed. Below, is the complete memorandum or General Circular No. 13:


“For several weeks now, the attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Council of Elders has been drawn to practices and actions by individuals or groups calming to represent Traditional Leaders and Zoe that violate standing administrative guidelines and regulations governing and conduct and operations of Poro and Sande Societies in Liberia as well as the constitutional rights of freedom of movement and freedom of association within the Republic of Liberia.


The repeated violations of the guidelines and regulation governing the practices of the Poro and Sande Societies in key sections of Liberia have caused and continue to cause embarrassment to the Government and people of Liberia, trauma to affected persons and families, and interruptions to normal lives of citizens and residents, thereby undermining the Government’s efforts to ensure that the constitutional rights and civil liberties of all citizens and residents are respected and upheld.


THE Ministries of Internal Affairs and the National Council of Chiefs and Elders’ attention have been drawn particularly to the mushrooming of Poro and Sande groves in Bong, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi Grand Bassa and Montserrado Counties where most of these violations occur. For example, in early April 2014 in Grand Cape Mount, officials reported that a woman was ordered gang-raped and the 12 men where later arrested and are in prison in Robertsport, Grand Cape County, awaiting trial.


Further, in Wiama Town in Gbarpolu County, a Police Officer was forcibly taken and initiated into the Poro Society. Efforts to secure the officer’s release were initially hampered by a demand for ransom payment of LD$25,000.00 by the group that allegedly committed this criminal act. With the strong intervention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Council of Chiefs and Elders, the officer was however later released.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs affirms its strong recognition and support for the varied cultures and traditions of Liberia; yet the Ministry categorically condemns the use of Poro and Sande Societies to perpetrate illegal and criminal acts against free citizens and residents of Liberia of Liberia. The Ministry also condemns all forms of forcible initiation into Poro and Sande Society anywhere within the territorial confines of the Republic of Liberia.


The Bureau of Customs & Culture Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, in coloration with the National Council of Chiefs and Elders, urges all Zoes, Elders, and Chiefs throughout the Republic of Liberia to carry their functions within the confines of the traditional laws and guideline governing the practice of Poro and Sande Societies. Consequently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in consultation with the National Council of Chiefs and Elders, reiterates and stipulates that:


(1)   No Poro or Sande Zoe shall initiate a child or any student into a grove during the normal school year. This is to avoid interference or disruption of normal school activities and impede the academic progress of students.


(2)   No Poro or Sande Zoe or Elder shall establish a Poro or Sande Society without the prior knowledge and consent of significant parents or adult guardians/relative of the child/children or adult male or female


(3)   No Poro or Sande Zoe or Elder shall establish a Poro or Sande grove within the 8-mile legally established City limits  in Liberia, All groves, Poro or Sande so established shall be clearly identified and marked or avoid unintentional encroachment by non-initiates or others. All non-initiate male, female or other citizens and residents and residents are urged to exercise caution not to encroach upon Poro of Sande Grove of Shrine.


The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of internal Affairs therefore urges all Zoes, Elders, and Chiefs to ensure that those who may be engaged in Sande and Poro activities to respect the provisions of tis Administrative Circular, and uphold and protect the rights of citizens and residents within the Republic of Liberia to move and live freely.


The Ministry also announces that effective as of |June 30, 2014, the operations of all Poro and Sande Groves within the Republic of Liberia are temporality ordered suspended for a period of 90 days. During this period, the Bureau of Customs and Cultural Affairs of the ministry of Internal Affairs, in collaboration with the National Council of Chiefs and Elders, has been authorized to conduct a comprehensive national inventory of all Poro and Sande Groves, review their licenses, and re-register them with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs through the Bureau of Customs and Culture and Culture in collaboration with the National Council of Chiefs and Elders wishes to emphasize that Pro and Sande practitioner found in violation of the Ministry’s


Administrative Circular No. 12 and 13, respectively which contain the approved guidelines governing the practice of Poro and Sande Societies in Liberia, shall be penalized in keeping with the guidelines, regulations, and practices of traditions and law, including the closure of their Poro and Sande Groves closed.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs also reaffirms Government’s full support to the maintenance of healthy, traditional and cultural practices in Liberia.


In closing, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reaffirms provision of General Secular No. 12 of January 15, 2013, which states that,  “…the initiation or induction of any person (adult or child) into a cultural practice or a traditional ritual is also prohibited without supervision of individuals duly approved by the Council of Chiefs and Elders and a license dully issued over the signature of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” of the Republic of Liberia.”



              Nathaniel G. Kesselly, Chief Male Zoe

              Joseph B. Jangar, Asst. Minister for Customs and Culture, R.L.

               Flomo Barwolor, Darkpanah of Liberia

              Mama SiahTumah, Chief Female Zoe

              Chief ZanzanKarwor, Chairman, National Council of Chiefs and Elders, R.L.



                   Morris M. Dukuly, Sr.

                   Minister of Internal Affairs, R.RL.