Grand Bassa County Service Center Shows Progress; records 833 Service Users in 2 months

Monrovia, Liberia:Statistics obtained from the Grand Bassa County Service Center (CSC) show that an aggregated eight hundred thirty-eight (838) people accessed documentation-related services across ministries, agencies and commissions, during the months of July and August, 2015.

The statistics however reflect an attrition of two hundred ninety-three (293) less service users for the month of August. In July the CSC recorded five hundred thirty-eight (538) service users while in August the number depreciated to two hundred forty-five (245).

On the other hand, non-documentation-related services (Ministry of Gender and LISGIS, for example) stood at six hundred thirty-two (632) for the two months.

This category of service-delivery accounted for an appreciation of eighteen (18) in the month of August. July recorded three hundred seven (307) while August registered three hundred twenty-five (325).

 The statistics show that the Ministry of Labor had more entrants (300 users) for the two months followed by the Ministry of Health (299 users). 

The CSC report, submitted by CSC Coordinator, Mr. Sagacious Gardoe, also highlighted revenue generation per service window for the months.

Although it recorded less users, the Ministry of Internal Affairs generated the most in revenues with a combined total for the months of July and August standing at one thousand four hundred United States Dollars ($1,400.00) over two other competitors, the Ministry of Commerce, one thousand thirty-two United States Dollars ($1,032) and the Center for National Documents and Records (CNDR), six hundred seventy-five United States Dollars ($675).

In the recommendations section of the report, Mr. Gardoe implored relevant authorities involved with the service delivery agenda to step up support to the Grand Bassa County Service Center with particular reference to office supplies, logistics, operation funds, among others. 

His recommendations also contained call for the re-enforcement of the awareness component of the roll out of deconcentration in the county.