Liberians want National Government to demarcate boundaries of sub-county structures before district and chieftaincy elections….present statement to Internal Affairs Ministry
Liberians call on National Legislature to Participants at the just ended first regional consultation and sensitization forum held in Tubmanburg, Bomi County have advanced several resolutions to government toward rationalizing local administrative structures in the country.
The participants were drawn from Montserrado, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu and Margibi Counties.
They include Legislators, representatives of political parties, civil society organizations, City mayors, District commissioners, Paramount, Clan and General Town Chiefs among others.
In a nine-count Statement of Endorsement/Commitment, the participants called on the National Legislature to provisionally place a moratorium on the creation of additional sub-national structures and to ensure the timely passage of the Local Governance Act when submitted by the Presidency.
The 75 participants want National Government to clearly demarcate the boundaries of sub-county structures before the hosting of district and chieftaincy elections.
Reading the endorsement statement on Thursday, June 26, 2014 on behalf of his colleagues, Clay District Commissioner Alfred B.S. Zinnah proposed to Government to increase efforts to ensure national reconciliation amongst our people, and provide some incentives for those local leaders that will be affected by the rationalization exercise. And that national institutions concern with decentralization policy to undertake massive national civic education to adequately inform our people before the commencement of the rationalization process.
The document also called on Central Government to set a firm time line for decentralization implementation, Clearly define the roles and terms of reference of local leaders, ensure the teaching of our cultural values in our schools and include all local leaders in our national budget.