Special Public Health Message
The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Internal Affairs directs all county authorities to cooperate and collaborate fully with County Health Officers throughout the country in efforts to eradicate the deadly Ebola virus.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs states that Ebola is a major threat to public health, and therefore all County Superintendents, City Mayors, Paramount Chiefs, Clan Chiefs, General Town Chiefs,traditional, religious leaders, and communitiesthroughout the country, areto support sensitization efforts by the Ministry of Health and our partners.
The Ministry states that residents in some communities, family and group members are resisting authorized Ministry of Health personnel who are sent to handle and bury deceased victims or to remove and place people believed to be suffering from the disease in treatment units away from the general population.
In some communities, residents are alsoresisting health officers who go out to fumigate or spray areas where victims of the virus had lived.
This and other acts that interfere with efforts to combat the virus are wrong, violate public health laws,and undermine Government’s efforts to eradicate the disease, they thereforeMUST BE STOPPED.
Only authorized Ministry of Health personnel are allowed to handle and bury persons who die from Ebola. All communities throughout Liberia are hereby strongly advised against burying Ebola victims.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, therefore calls on the general public to report to health officers any unexplained deaths in the community.
People are further advised to report to the police or community leaders anyone hiding people believed to be suffering from Ebola or victims of the disease.
It is also being rumored that bitter kola and locally brewed gin known as caine- juice and vaccines are cures for Ebola.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs in consultation with the Health Ministry wishes to emphasize that there is no scientific proof of a vaccine or, any medicine that cures the virus.
The public is hereby advised to report anyone or group seeingin any community with so-called Ebola vaccine or medicine to the police or community leaders.
Morris M. Dukuly
Minister of Internal Affairs
Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale
Minister of Health & Social Welfare