Traditional leaders welcome Local Government Act

Traditional leaders from the 15 political sub-divisions have called on the Executive Branch of government to speedily submit the Draft Local Government Act (LGA) to the National Legislature.

They said the submission of the LGA to the National Legislature and its passage into law would ensure the full participation of the rural people in the governance of the country.

As part of the review process, the MIA and GC organized an engagement forum of Traditional leaders from the across the country in Gbarnga, Bong County over the weekend.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Governance Commission are currently reviewing the draft Local Government Act to identify outstanding critical issues.

The meeting was intended to provide the traditional leaders deep understanding of the contents of the draft Act, which among other things, calls for the election of local government officials including County Superintendents. It also highlights the role of traditional authorities in political governance in Liberia.

Speaking at the engagement, the National Program Director of the Liberia Decentralization Support Program (LDSP), Dr. Roosevelt Jayjay rallied support of the traditional leaders towards the act.

He said the Act, when passed into law, would increase participation of the local leaders and citizens in the decision-making process of their communities.