For Violation of Human Rights, MIA Arrest Chief

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has arrested the Chief Zoe of the Poro Grove in Bola, Senji District, Bomi County.

A release issued by the Ministry said Dazoe Henry S. Johnson was arrested in connection to the forceful initiation of two men into the Poro Society.

The Ministry said men Poro operatives acting on the orders of Dazoe Johnson forcibly took away the two men identified as Abu Sherif and Mambu Freeman and initiated them.

According to the release, the incidents occurred on Thursday, April 9 along the Coleman Hill-Beajah Road and in an area called Kissi Camp in Senji District.

The release said the actions are in violation of General Circulars #12 & 13 issued by the Ministry in 2012 and 2014.

The General Circulars warned against forceful initiations, as well as the suspension of all Poro and Sande activities in Liberia.

The Ministry said it would take appropriate cultural actions against Dazoe Henry S. Johnson to serve as a deterrent.